4 principles that have guided me, and might help guide you

Some concepts that have helped me through life, relationships, and business.

JC Vaughan
4 min readOct 19, 2022
Photo by Magda Ehlers: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-clouds-2114014/

Do you ever have those days that just sorta get you down? You self-reflect on things, come up with excuses as to why it might not be going your way, and then just sort of move on with it. I’m human to and have a lot of those days, but I’ve used these guiding ideas to move on time and time again, instead of just saying “oh well.” I have also used these ideas to push myself in new directions. The results have led to curiosity, which then led to action. Maybe something here can resonate with you.


Things don’t always need to be completely thought out or backed by validation. Dreaming not only unlocks ideas but helps take you to new and exciting places.

We get to a certain age where being a dreamer becomes taboo. We fall into the cycle of cutting to conclusions quickly and are told to stick to tasks in places like work or school. Dreaming and ideation are some of our most powerful tools however. When I think of this, I think of one of the greatest, most successful dreamers of all time, Walt Disney. If Disney never sat on that bench at Griffith Park and let his mind wonder, there would be no Disneyland, no Disney World, and in reality, no Walt Disney Company like we know today. Dreams can lead to new ideas, peace of mind, and newfound learnings. Let your mind do it from time to time.


Things will never be “perfect.” Be ok with climbing the mountain to never reach the top and know that it only makes you stronger.

Now it might sound silly, but I have to thank the 2x back-to-back, Blockbuster video game champion, Dr. Disrespect for inspiration on this one. His phrase goes something like this; “I’m at the tippity top of the mountain, but I’m really only halfway up.” So how did this phrase inspire me? If you think about climbing a mountain, but are looking to reach the top quickly, you’ll burn out. Anything in life is a process. You must be ok with climbing that mountain, stopping for air, and continuing on the journey. Be ok with the fact that you might never get right to the top of things.


The greatest tool for yourself is knowledge. Learn from everything. Read, watch, study, engage with, ask questions, do whatever it takes to learn from the people and things around you.

This is one I believe in so much, that I went back to graduate school, even considering myself to be someone who “doesn’t like education.” But it’s not just about going back to an institution. Learning is all around us. Books, podcasts, YouTube videos, Twitter posts, even conversations at the bar can teach us something we might not know and wouldn’t have if we didn’t ask “why?” At the end of the day the idea of being “overly educated” is true to an extent. Being able to talk and engage with different topics, opens the door to being able to interact with more people. You don’t ever have to be an expert, but I believe taking some time in your day to learn something is incredibly important for your life.


Talking is easy but listening is hard. Always tap into conversations and be a present listener. You will be able to walk away with a greater sense of understanding and only more information for the next time you need to speak.

Finally, one that really contributes to all of these principles but stands alone often. Like the learning principle, you can find out so many things in life by just consuming. Listening goes beyond using just our ears. Tap into conversations on social media threads, article comments, and postings. Consume as much as you can without saying anything to those around you. This is often how I formulate ideas for projects, understand trends, and you’d be surprised how much you have to talk about the next time you speak up in a conversation.

Sticking to these concepts have helped in business decisions, personal relationships, and times when refocus is needed. Are they the most amazing, life solving answers? Probably not. But they have helped me tremendously and maybe they can help you too. None of this resonates with you? I urge you to go out and develop your own set of principles. I promise that if you believe in them and practice them, those things will do wonders for you.



JC Vaughan

JC Vaughan, M.S., B.F.A. MBA candidate. Creators and entertainment are my thing. Professional entertainer turned innovator. Currently @ Disney.