Creators are like onions

JC Vaughan
3 min readAug 3, 2022
Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

So, I recently had a theory about content creators. Remember when Shrek said, “ogres are like onions”? Well, what if I told you this concept is incredibly important for creators, the future of creators, and here’s why.

The first layer — “Hi there”

The first layer of the creator onion is the introduction and the initial touchpoint to a creator. Usually this is the social media platform that they gathered their audience on. It could be YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc. No matter what content the creator creates or the medium it’s published on, this is the main source to drive audience engagement and for the creator to grow over time. The core audience for any creator lives right here in the first layer.

The second layer — “Nice to see you again”

This second layer is usually the place a creator is getting their audience to go after first interacting with them. You see this with almost every single creator now. When you are watching a YouTube video for example, do they talk to you about their Instagram or their website? Is it down in the description of the video? Well, 9 times out of 10 of course it is. That’s the second layer. This layer is critically important because the creator can now interact with the audience across multiple touchpoints and get them into more “layers” down the line. For creators this second layer can be a great catchall place and can lead to some growth with their initial layer still generating more of the core audience.

The third layer — “All in”

The third layer is something even more prominently seen with creators, the ability to make money through “first party” goods.

A first party good is something the creator issues/executes themselves. It could be anything that generates revenue for the creator like merchandise, a subscription platform, or online courses. Anything that isn’t directly from a sponsorship which is already common within layer one.

This is becoming more important for creators to engage in as it is the layer that promotes entrepreneur types to really go out there and generate more sustainable revenue channels. I really believe this layer will become even more normal for creators in the future.

The fourth layer — “The everywhere”

This final layer is becoming more common but still is among a very select group of creators. The fourth layer is when everything becomes blurred for both the creator and their audience. Have you seen creators on late night talk shows? Or on TV/Movies? This when creators push into spaces that the core audience is unnatural compared to their online presence. The reason this layer is happening more is because creators are getting bigger, and these traditional mediums are looking to tap into that hype. A great example is Logan Paul breaking into the WWE. The combination of two powerhouse media entities blurs the line between online personality and full blown celebrity in the eyes of the audience.

Who would’ve thought that an ogre and a content creator could be so similar? In all seriousness, if creators and their teams think in terms of this layered onion metaphor it may help drive innovation within each layer online expanding their business and audience.



JC Vaughan

JC Vaughan, M.S., B.F.A. Creators and entertainment are my thing. Professional entertainer turned innovator. Prev @ Disney.